I'm sitting here waiting for the clock to strike 1:40pm, so I can drive 45 minutes to Faulkner State Culinary Institute and start my way through Pastry & Baking Arts. Phew....I'm so nervous...This is a huge step. I'm actually doing something I want to do & as awesome as that sounds, I'm SO increbily nervous. I didn't start getting a little nervous shaking until I put on my uniform, which is still so stiff, and not the most flattering uniform for a women, but the only thing I need to impress anyways is the Chef with my "skills." lol, which right now, probably sucks compared to every other student there. The picture quality sucks, probably cause I was can't really not shake the camera when taking a picture with one hand and add on the nerves - you get a sucky picture. Well, my class starts at 3pm and doesn't end till 10pm! Yikes. Wish me luck!!!
Calming Chicken Dog Jello Shots
2 days ago
Good luck! Can't wait to see what you make at school!
Dear Valerie, good luck with your classes. I think that it is normal for you to be this nervous but once you get going you'll find your confidence returning and growing. You'll be amazed that they'll be other people in the class that are just as nervous or worse.
You are following your passion and that's more than a lot of people can dare to dream.
Good luck and I am looking forward to reports on your progress,
Wow! That's just great. Good luck! I can't wait to hear about what you learn.
so so so, how did it go?
Wow, great!!! I wish you the best,of luck!
Looking forwards to reading your posts regarding the school...
Val, you look every inch like a professional!
I am very sure every one student there feels like you, but remember to breathe properly and relax, you'll be FINE. Finally, you're on your path to your dreams. How wonderful is that??
Lisa - Thanks for the luck! So far it's been great. We haven't done any actual baking this week yet, but once we do, we get to take our digital cameras to capture what we make & put it in the log book. So I'll definitely post it up here too.
Cynthia - You always have the nicest things to say & so encouraging too. Thank you so much!
Nirmala - So far so good. You don't realise how much you have to care for your feet while you're in the kitchen for hours at a time. Everyone & I were wanting to sit down by hour 4. lol
Tiff - it went really well. I met another girl who is married to a guy in the coast guard so we are in similar situations, having to travel an hour or more to get to school.
Rosa - Thanks for your words of encouragement. Yes, I will definitely post things up as they get more exciting. Next monday for the front of house class we are going to experiment making banana fosters, caesar salads & flaming coffees tableside! Best part? We probably get to eat it. lol
Mom - Thanks! I have been nervous, not sleeping through the night but once I get there, everyone is so nice, so it makes going to school so much better!
You are very welcome dearest. I am so proud of you. Glad to hear the first day went well.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy it!
I was going to say, GOOD LUCK! But, I am too late.
Glad everything went ok, and let us know how it goes.
Good luck to you! I have actually toyed with the thought of going to pastry school. I hope to see more school updates from you!
Best of luck! I can't wait to hear the class goes, and bravo to you for following your dreams. It's truly inspiring :)
Christina, Emilie, Jigginjessica and countrygirlcityliving - thank you guys for wishing me luck to get through school. You are all so thoughtful!
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