Am I thankful or what that I did not have to work today! It has been snowing since 12:30pm. I went to Barnes and Nobles for some IBS books and 20 minutes later, the place was covered in snow. I got outter there and drove like a turtle home. Scary, an oregonian driving in the snow. What's scarier are Ohioans driving - period!

Momma sent me nian gao she made, from a recipe I found for her online somewhere. I forget where but I cut some up and dipped it in eggs than fried it and ate it....ahhhhh chinese food...drool!!!


Emm....butter + mashed up overripe bananas + white choc & milk choc chip swirls..................... Oh yeah, I didn't make it cause I wanted to eat it....
Yeah, it's for Brandon :-D
yummmy i love nian gao, apparently it is easy to buy in melbourne so samuel and I will load up on them when I go visit him!
soooo yummy!
yeah we do look pretty darn cute. too bad, i only have under a month with aaron left!
pooos and wees
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