Our mission: Opera Cake
Feelings immediately after reading the challenge: Exhaustion
Feelings after completing the challenge: Not as bad as when I did it in class
Feelings after 1st bite of challenge: *shudder*
Feelings after trying to make myself eat another piece: *shudder*
Above is the Joconde sheet cakes separated by a vanilla buttercream. The joconde are moistened with simple syrup.
To be completely honest, if you couldn't tell by my entire entry, I did not much enjoy this Opera Cake, nor was it satisfying for the amount of calories I forced myself to eat. I can truly say that I hate buttercream, I'm not sure I like the joconde since I felt it was rather bland. The only part I did like was the white chocolate glaze, but that alone took me into a sugar coma. I have never been a fan of desserts such as this, no offense. It reminds me of petit fours and I just felt that the textures and the tastes were so different in each of the components to make up the Opera that it didn't quite blend together well for me. Perhaps I'm crazy, which is probably the case.